Wicked Wicked Wicked

wicked_wicked_wickedThe story behind wicked is, My favorite sisters in the world were ignoring me on the puter, (for bingo) so I decided to write them a little note. When that note did no good, I wrote another.  I think I created a monster, cuz now even their friends are calling me for the next chapter.

Chapter 5 really got to them, cuz all 3 of them have beautiful homes, an eye for decorating ( unlike me) and they keep them very clean.

Plus Dar is one person that gets up, makes sure her husband is fed, and does all that crappy wifey stuff, and really enjoys it.

Cookie is one of the best cooks. When we were growing up she made our dinners out of almost nothing, and it always tasted good.  Believe me I’m surprised I could boil water at times and not burn it.

Annie loves her job!! She would never call off work no matter how sick she was.

So now you see why chapter 5 may have gotten to them. One way or another I will get their attention!! It may take a few more chapters and a little more nastiness, but they don’t call me B.T.B. for nothing!!!

About her life with her three wicked wicked wicked sisters:

annie cookie dar

Wicked Annie

Wicked Cookie

Wicked Dar